
21.06.2025 | 19:00 hrs.

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Concert | Music-Arena


Tour 2025

Danceable rock and pop as well as soulful ballads in the unmistakable Viennese dialect: Edmund is undoubtedly one of Austria’s best-known bands and inspires with its authentic and genuine Viennese mentality. With first-class Austro-pop, the energetic two-piece band will be coming to the Music Arena at the Tollwood Summer Festival on 21 June and will bring the crowd together to celebrate.

Get your tickets now!

Dear Tollwood-Visitors, please take note of the safety advice for the “Musik-Arena”. There will be body checks at the entrance and your bags will be searched. We generally advise our concert guests to refrain from bringing medium-sized and / or large backpacks and large handbags in order to accelerate access to the “Musik-Arena”.


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Only a limited number of wheelchair spaces are authorised in the Musik-Arena. For this reason, wheelchair users must purchase a wheelchair ticket. This is valid for the person in the wheelchair and one accompanying person. Tickets for wheelchair users can be ordered directly from Tollwood by calling 089-38 38 50 0 (tickets are sent free of charge). Tickets can only be purchased directly at MT’s own ticket offices HP8 (Isarphilharmonie) and Deutsches Theater.

Please note: There are specially reserved seats in the Musik-Arena for people in wheelchairs, which are only available with the purchase of a wheelchair ticket. Without a valid wheelchair ticket, admission is not possible for people in wheelchairs.

At seated concerts, seats are kept free in the front area; at unseated concerts, a platform is set up for wheelchair users. There is also space for one accompanying person. At seated concerts, a seat is available for the accompanying person directly next to the wheelchair space. The view from the designated seats is adapted to the needs of wheelchair users.

Tollwood grants free admission to an accompanying person for people with a ‘B’ in their disabled pass as a voluntary service. The accompanying person must be able to provide assistance to the wheelchair user, for example if it is necessary to leave the music arena quickly. For example, the accompanying person must be able to take the wheelchair user out of the event area alone.
