United Syncopators

01.12.2024 | 12:00 hrs.
Free admission

Concert | Hexenkessel

The Weißwurscht-Jazz Matinee: United Syncopators 

New Orleans Jazz

The United Syncopators bring classic New Orleans jazz and the timeless, lively music of the 1920s to the stage and the dance floor. The musicians present the hits of the time with stylistic confidence in tempo and rhythm and leave no one in the audience sitting still with their own arrangements.

12 01 United Syncopators C United Syncopators

More events on 01.12.2024

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Christmas crafts

1.12. + 8.12. + 15.12. + 22.12. | Children's tent | Free admission!

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Teddy und die Lollipops

01.12.2024 | 15:30 hrs. | Hexenkessel | Free admission

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Andrea Salustri

Tue 26.11. - Sun 1.12. | Fire Show Square | Free admission!

Osadía PERFORMANCE Tollwood WiFe24 C Osadía 2


Wed 27.11. - Sun 1.12. | Performancebühne | Free admission