
28.11.2024 | 16:30 hrs.
Free admission

Concert | Hexenkessel


Bavarian Crossover

With their unique blend of tradition and modernity, the ‘Bavarian Crossover’, the band Uferlos ensures musical fun in the witches’ cauldron. Since 2014, the six musicians from Rupertigau have been delighting audiences with their unmistakable combination of ziach, saxophone, bass, guitars and drums. Their humorous lyrics, such as ‘Hob gern an Durscht, is gern a Wurscht’, stand for pure joie de vivre.

11 28 Uferlos C Uferlos

More events on 28.11.2024

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Circo Zoé

26.11.2024 - 08.12.2024 | Grand Chapiteau

Andrea Salustri Tollwood Performances C Ana.Halina.Ringleb

Andrea Salustri

Tue 26.11. - Sun 1.12. | Fire Show Square | Free admission!

Hochformat WALKACT Tollwood WiFe C Bernd.Wackerbauer

Balloon party

26. - 28.11. +14.12. | Festival Ground | Free admission

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Arts & Crafts

Mon - Fri | children's tent | Free admission!