
11.12.2024 | 19:30 hrs.
Free admission

Concert | Hexenkessel


Groovy alternative Jazz-Rock 

The international trio from Berlin, founded by Roland Satterwhite, moves musically between rock, jazz, West African rhythms and many other genres. They are inspired by their numerous sound journeys around the world. With their line-up of vocals/viola, electric guitar and drums, the trio opens up completely new and unique spheres of sound.

12 11 Tolyqyn C Kirsten Bohlig

More events on 11.12.2024

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Value benches for children

Wed 11.12. + Thu 12.12. + Fri 13.12. + Wed 18.12. + Thu 19.12. + Fri 20.12. | Children's tent | Admission free!

Tauri Vahesaar

7.12., 8.12. + 11.12. – 15.12. | Fire Show Square | Free admission!

Eisstockbahn Tollwood Winterfestival Teamevent Teambuilding Eisstockschießen


26.11.2024 - 23.12.2024 | Festival Ground

Ernest WALKACT Tollwood WiFe24 C Cie.Ecart

Cie Ecart: „Ernest“

9.12. -13.12. | Festival Ground | Free admission