Senior Citizens Afternoon

10.12.2024 | 14:30 hrs.
Free Entrance


Closed Society

Senior Citizens Afternoon

This tradition remains: Tollwood and senior citizens’ councillor Ingeborg Staudenmeyer invite older people to a social afternoon on Tuesday, 10 December at 2:30 pm. Thommy T. will be playing for everyone to dance to in the Hexenkessel and create a great atmosphere. Coffee, mulled wine and Christmas biscuits create an Advent atmosphere. Admission to this afternoon is free of charge – tickets are only available on Thursday, 14 November, between 10 am and 12 noon at the city information office in the new town hall on Marienplatz. Only as long as available!

The Senior Citizens’ Advisory Council of the City of Munich represents the interests and concerns of older people. The council also aims to enable senior citizens to participate in social life.

12 10 Thommy T Foto Der Musikjournalist

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