Pauken und Planeten

14.07.2024 | Half Moon Bar | Admission free

Children’s Concert | Half Moon Bar

Pauken und Planeten

They come straight from Berlin to the Half Moon Bar at Tollwood with drums and planets. Naima Husseini and her band have a huge cosmos in their luggage. Pauken und Planeten transport their joy of life with danceable beats and also address controversial topics. Children’s music clichés are skilfully avoided and all listeners are taken seriously. This is children’s music at eye level for people with heart and soul, no matter how old they are.

Pauken Und Planeten Kinderkonzert Half Moon Bar C Moritz Kraemer

All dates

  • Sun., 14.07.2024 14:30 hrs.
  • Sun., 14.07.2024 16:00 hrs.

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