
05.07.2024 | 19:00 hrs.
Andechser Zelt
Free admission

Konzert | Andechser Zelt


Melodic Classic-Rock

Paranoized have been enriching the Munich music scene for years with melodic rock from Anastacia to ZZ Top. The well-rehearsed cover band delights its audience with fresh interpretations of classics from the 80s to the latest hits.

Paranoized Andechser Zelt Tollwood Festival C Peter Fastl Pep Fotografie

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VR-Experience: Time Ride

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Best Of Latin Beats Maikel Santana Tollwood Muenchen Half Moon Bar

Latin Mix Friday

Fri 28.6. + 5.7. + 12.7. + 19.7. | Half Moon Bar | Admission free

Sandskulptur Jiri Kaspar Half Moon Bar C Ingmar Wein

Sand sculptures

21.6. - 23.6. + 5.7. - 7.7. | Half Moon Bar | free admission

Cie Paris Benares Walk Act Performances Tollwood Festival

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