Mr Vita

03.12.2024 - 06.12.2024
Free admission


Mr Vita: The Spanish Gentleman Juggler

A hilarious, unique mixture of circus and clowning: Kiki Vita from Sevilla juggles and balances masterfully with juggling balls, drinking glasses, plates and fishing rods.

Mr.Vita PERFORMANCE Tollwood WiFe24 C Mr.Vita

All dates

  • Tue., 03.12.2024 17:00 hrs.
  • Tue., 03.12.2024 19:30 hrs.
  • Wed., 04.12.2024 17:00 hrs.
  • Wed., 04.12.2024 19:30 hrs.
  • Thu., 05.12.2024 17:00 hrs.
  • Thu., 05.12.2024 19:30 hrs.
  • Fri., 06.12.2024 17:00 hrs.
  • Fri., 06.12.2024 19:30 hrs.

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Barn.Owl WALKACT Tollwood WiFe C Thingumajig Theatre

Thingumajig Theatre

6. - 8.12. | Festival Ground | Free admission

John Kirkbride & Ferdl Eichner

06.12.2024 | 16:00 hrs. | Hexenkessel | Free admission

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26.11.2024 - 23.12.2024 Festival Ground Free admission