
09.07.2024 | 16:30 Uhr
Andechser Zelt
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Concert | Andechser Zelt


Local Sound meets Balkan Brass

Four musicians, a singer and a drummer from the west of Munich bring a new colour to the diverse genres of modern folk music. This is where folk music meets balkan brass or street music meets ska.

Kapotaki Andechser Zelt Tollwood Festival C Hp Square

Ausserdem am 09.07.2024

Kinderyoga HalfMoonBar Tollwood Festival C Pixels Of Life Unsplash


09.07.2024 | 15:30 Uhr | Half Moon Bar | Eintritt frei

Circ Panic Amphitheater Performances Tollwood Festival

Circ Panic

08.07.2024 - 10.07.2024 | Amphitheater | Eintritt frei

Bolero Inszenierung Tollwood Festival

Bolero by Maurice Ravel | CANCELLED!

25.06.2024 - 21.07.2024 | Festival Ground | Eintritt frei

Paul Daly Band Andechser Zelt Tollwood Festival C Paul Daly Band

The Paul Daly Band

09.07.2024 | 19:00 Uhr | Andechser Zelt | Eintritt frei

Ähnliche Veranstaltungen

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