Dub à la Pub

03.12.2024 | 19:30 hrs.
Free admission

Concert | Hexenkessel

Dub à la Pub

Dub, Reggae, Ska

The Augsburg band has stood for groovy vibes and their individual, rousing reggae style for 18 years. Dub à la Pub combines roots reggae, dub and ska with elements of jazz, funk and rock to create their unmistakable sound. The charismatic frontman and rhythm guitarist ReggaeKeggae brings his contemporary lyrics to life. Lead guitarist Olli, Lukas on drums, Schuhm on bass and Philipp on keyboards provide the musical foundation, while Jochen on trumpet and Norbert on trombone add the right flavour to the songs with their driving brass melodies.


12 03 Dub A La Pub C Dub à La Pub

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