
28.06.2024 | 19:30 hrs.
Andechser Zelt
Free admission

Concert | Andechser Zelt


Best Munich Covermusic

Club 27 plus stands for pure rock and pop without the unnecessary clutter. This includes everything that sounds exciting and has enough power and precision. From Hendrix to Winehouse, Collins and Anouk to Plant and Duffy, they play the music of pop and rock legends. In addition to the well-known party and power numbers, they also bring one or two gems from the roadside of the mainstream to the stage. That’s guaranteed!

Club27plus Konzert Andechser Zelt Tollwood Festival C Club27plus

More events on 28.06.2024

Best Of Latin Beats Maikel Santana Tollwood Muenchen Half Moon Bar

Latin Mix Friday

Fri 28.6. + 5.7. + 12.7. + 19.7. | Half Moon Bar | Admission free

Tollwood Sommerfestival 2023 Impressionen

Museum of the Moon

21.06.2024 - 21.07.2024 | Andechser Berg | Free admission

Tollwood Sommerfestival 2023 Impressionen

Open kitchen for children

Mon + Thu + Fri | children's area | free admission |

TR Munich Craft Biergarten Konzert Tollwood Festival

VR-Experience: Time Ride

21.06.2024 - 21.07.2024 | Andechser Zelt | Free admission