Centre de Titelles de Lleida

29.11. - 1.12. | Festival Ground | Free admission


Centre de Titelles de Lleida: „Hathi“


The art of puppetry on a gigantic scale: the red elephant Hathi makes his way solemnly to Indian music.

Hathi WALKACT Tollwood WiFe24 C Centre.de.Titelles. De.Lleida.tolosa

All dates

  • Fri., 29.11.2024 17:00 hrs.
  • Fri., 29.11.2024 20:00 hrs.
  • Sat., 30.11.2024 15:30 hrs.
  • Sat., 30.11.2024 19:30 hrs.
  • Sun., 01.12.2024 14:00 hrs.
  • Sun., 01.12.2024 18:00 hrs.

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