
23.06.2024 | 18:00 hrs.

Concert | Musik-Arena

The Symphonic Show


with live orchestra: Deutsches Filmorchester Babelsberg

Not only “Big in Japan” but also “Big at Tollwood”. The iconic synthpop band Alphaville will be playing the Musik-Arena for the first time on June 23, 2024 as part of their “Symphonic Show”. Together with an orchestra, hits such as “Forever Young” or “Sounds Like a Melody” will be accompanied by powerful sounds around Marian Gold’s unique voice. Get your tickets now!

Dear Tollwood-Visitors, please take note of the safety advice for the “Musik-Arena”. There will be body checks at the entrance and your bags will be searched. We generally advise our concert guests to refrain from bringing medium-sized and / or large backpacks and large handbags in order to accelerate access to the “Musik-Arena”.


More events on 23.06.2024

Trachtenverein Alpenroesl Allach Brasserie Konzert Tollwood Festival

Trachtenverein Alpenrösl München-Allach

23.06.2024 | 11:30 hrs. | Brasserie | Free admission

Fahr Rad zum Tollwood Bikepick Radlwerkstatt

Bike check

Every Sat + Sun | main entrance

Austria Ei Andechser Zelt Tollwood Festival C Thorsten Heinz

Austria EI

23.06.2024 | 15:30 hrs. | Andechser Zelt | Free admission

Bungee Trampolin Tollwood Festival


Fri 16.6. + Sat 17.6/15.7. + Sun 18.6./16.7. | Children's area |