Deine Freunde

07.07.2024 | 17:30 hrs.


Deine Freunde

Kindsköpfe im Park 2024

Deine Freunde are coming back to Tollwood Summer Festival! On July 7, 2024, the “coolest children’s band in the world” will bring pop melodies and clever lyrics to the stage of the music arena.

Florian Sump, Lukas Nimscheck and Markus Pauli have been filling stages all over Germany with sharp-witted songs and shows for kids since 2010. In 2024, their much-loved “Kindsköpfe im Park” tour enters the next round. Dancing, singing and joining in is bound to happen!

Dear Tollwood-Visitors, please take note of the safety advice for the “Musik-Arena”. There will be body checks at the entrance and your bags will be searched. We generally advise our concert guests to refrain from bringing medium-sized and / or large backpacks and large handbags in order to accelerate access to the “Musik-Arena”.

Deine Freunde | Konzert | Tollwood Festival | Musik-Arena

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