Zebra Stelzentheater “Winter Wonderland”

6.12. - 8.12. | Festival Ground | Free entry


Zebra Stelzentheater “Winter Wonderland”

Snow crystals embellish their shimmering costumes, glitter decorates the white fabrics: the stilt figures move elegantly across the grounds with “Winter Wonderland” and spread their special charm: a graceful flurry of snow on two legs.

Zebra WhiteWonderland Tollwood Walkacts5

All dates

  • Wed., 06.12.2023 17:00 hrs.
  • Wed., 06.12.2023 18:30 hrs.
  • Wed., 06.12.2023 20:00 hrs.
  • Thu., 07.12.2023 17:00 hrs.
  • Thu., 07.12.2023 18:30 hrs.
  • Thu., 07.12.2023 20:00 hrs.
  • Fri., 08.12.2023 17:00 hrs.
  • Fri., 08.12.2023 18:30 hrs.
  • Fri., 08.12.2023 20:00 hrs.

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