T.G. Copperfield

24.06.2023 | 19:00 hrs.
Hacker-Pschorr Brettl
Free admission

Hacker-Pschorr Brettl

T.G. Copperfield & Solo Acoustic


With ten releases since 2017, the talented songwriter and guitarist T.G. Copperfield has made a respectable name for himself in the German blues and rock landscape. The current album “Out In The Desert” translates the turmoil of our time into dark and atmospheric songs that have their origins in roots rock and Americana. Solo Acoustic offers the likeable singer a cross-section of his work to date, which also includes material from the Southern rockers “3 Dayz Whizkey” founded by Copperfield.

T. G. Copperfield Tollwood Sommerfestival Andechser zelt

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