Milchmösl Blosn

18.06.2023 | 15:30 hrs.
Andechser Zelt
Free admission

Andechser Zelt

Milchmösl Blosn

21 music-loving employees from the “Edelweiss Käsewerk” form a great Bohemian-Moravian brass band. Founded 24 years ago on the occasion of a company anniversary, it is now flourishing under conductor Christian Kuhn.

Milchmoesl Blasn Konzert Andechser Zelt Tollwood Festival

More events on 18.06.2023

Sandskulpturen Sommer 2019 Tollwood

Sand sculptures

16.6. - 18.6. + 7.7. - 9.7 | Half Moon Bar | Admission free

Viva Con Agua

Viva con Agua

18.06.2023 - 18.06.2023 | children and youth area | Free admission

Jochen Der Elefant Walk Act Tollwood Festival

Jochen the Elephant

16.06.2023 - 18.06.2023 | Festival Ground | Free admission

Drohnen Inszenierung Tollwood Festival

Drone staging

16.06.2023 - 18.06.2023 | Festival Ground | Free admission