Krohn Band

11.12.2023 | 16:30 hrs.
Free admission

Concert | Hexenkessel

Krohn Band

Rock, Funk & Folk

Due to the groovy style mix of rock, funk and folk and the cleverly arranged titles, the Krohn Band can easily compete with classics of music history.

12.11 Krohn Band Tollwood Konzert Hexenkessel

More events on 11.12.2023


„Profil zeigen – Zukunft gestalten“

Mon/ Wed/ Thu/ Fri (except Fri 8.12.), Sat (except 9.12., 23.12.) | Free entry!

Gute Nacht Geschichte Kinder Tollwood Muenchen

Bedtime story

Thu 23.11. - Sat 23.12. | Free entry!

Alphorntrio Tollwood Performances C Alexander.Scharf

Das Alphorntrio

27.11. + 4.12. + 11.12. + 18.12. | Performancebühne | Admission free!

TwWeb Kinderprogramm C IngmarWein

Craft & Work

Mon - Sat | Children's tent| free entry