Go Sing Choir Special

25.06.2023 | 15:00 hrs.
Half Moon Bar
Free admission

Half Moon Bar

Go Sing Choir Special

Singing together is fun. On the initiative of Lebenshilfe München and in cooperation with the Tollwood Summer Festival, the inclusive Go Sing Choir Special offers people with disabilities in particular a particularly low-threshold access to this communal experience. Everyone practises “Applaus, Applaus” by Sportfreunde Stiller together as a polyphonic choir, and at the end of the event it is recorded as a music video.

All people with and without disabilities who enjoy singing together can take part. You don’t need to know music or have any previous musical training – if you listen to the song before the event, you will have it in your head and it will be easier to sing along. Song sheets in simple language help to make singing along as easy as possible for everyone.

In and around the Half Moon Bar on this Sunday afternoon, it will definitely be “Applause, Applause” for all who are there!

All information in brief:

Anyone who needs support can contact the Open Work for the Disabled at Lebenshilfe München (Tel. 089 69347 140 or [email protected]) in advance and the Lebenshilfe staff during the event.
From 2pm, Lebenshilfe staff will be at the entrance to the festival to accompany people who need help to the Half Moon Bar.
The venue is unseated.
There will be a break in the middle of the event.
Space is limited – please come early.

Announcement in easy language

The Go-sing-Choir and Lebenshilfe Munich want to sing together at the Toll-wood Festival. Everyone can come and join in.

Singing makes you happy.

The best thing is to sing together with other people.

Two men make the Go-sing-Choir together. Their names are Jens Junker and Ian Chapman.

Go sing Coir is English. It means: the sing-sing choir.

They meet again and again with many people and learn a well-known song.

They practise the song for 2 hours with the people.

Then everyone sings the song together. It always sounds great.

Lebenshilfe München and the Go-sing-Choir invite everyone to the Toll-wood Festival.

They practise the song together: Applause, applause.

It’s a song by the Sport-freunde Stiller.

Everyone can come and sing along.

Place: Toll-wood Festival in the Olympic Park

Time: Sunday, 25 June 2023 at 3 p.m.

It costs nothing.

Going Sing Choir Special Tollwood Half Moon Bar

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