27.06.2023 | 19:30 hrs.
Andechser Zelt
Free admission
Andechser Zelt
Federnelken are a plant from the area in and around Munich and grow directly between the streets where daily life plays. Their songs bring life back into harmony. They like to speak a clear language about love, politics and life in the city – as it can come when you live. The lyrics are predominantly Bavarian – just the right language for the expression of their songs. Because language is the earth of the cloves, which is full of interesting nutrients.For the music style there is currently no name. They describe their music style as popular music between “Hirschbachstüberl” and “Mittlerer Ring”. It is a guitar-heavy mixture of rock, funk, blues, indie and folk. Sometimes loud, sometimes very quiet. In any case, powerful, energetic, honest, blunt.