fastfood Theater „Impro-Songs für alle“

16.12. -17.12. | Performancebühne | Admission free!


fastfood Theater „Impro-Songs for everyone“

fastfood reinvents improv theater: everything the audience sees is created at that very moment – usually on cue and as fast as people can look. No one knows where the journey will lead – because improv theater wrestles with chance without being conquered by it.

All dates

  • Sat., 16.12.2023 18:30 hrs.
  • Sat., 16.12.2023 19:30 hrs.
  • Sun., 17.12.2023 18:30 hrs.
  • Sun., 17.12.2023 19:30 hrs.

More events on 17.12.2023

12.17 Hot Lips Tollwood Konzert Hexenkessel

Hot Lips

17.12.2023 | 12:00 hrs. | Hexenkessel | Free admission

12.17 Mr Zigzag+band Tollwood Konzert Hexenkessel

Mr. ZigZag & Band

17.12.2023 | 15:30 hrs. | Hexenkessel | Free admission

Feuerwelten Tollwood Performances C Mysticalpics


Sat 16.12. - Sun 17.12. | Fire Show Square| Admission free!

12.17 The Roaring Zuchhinis Tollwood Konzert Hexenkessel

The Roaring Zucchinis

17.12.2023 | 19:00 hrs. | Hexenkessel | Free admission