Cie Paris Bénarès – „Chevâl“

16.06.2023 - 20.06.2023
Festival Ground
Free admission

Festival site

Cie Paris Bénarès


An impressive, three-metre-high horse moves gracefully through the festival. Accompanied by a dancer, it stops here and there, surveys its surroundings and makes contact with the audience. The oversized duo enchants and shows us a world full of poetry.

Cie Paris Benares Cheval Amphitheater Tollwood Festival

All dates

  • Fri., 16.06.2023 19:00 hrs.
  • Mon., 19.06.2023 17:00 hrs.
  • Mon., 19.06.2023 20:00 hrs.
  • Tue., 20.06.2023 17:00 hrs.
  • Tue., 20.06.2023 20:00 hrs.

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