Matching Ties

04.07.2022 | 16:30 hrs.
Andechser Zelt
Free admission


Matching Ties

Matching ties – they are the trademark of Matching Ties. Paul Stowe (USA), and Trevor Morriss (GB) are considered leading folk musicians on the European scene. They play a diverse and unique blend of Irish, English and Scottish folk and related American bluegrass on traditional stringed instruments, acoustic guitars, mandolins, lutes such as the Irish bouzouki and the Irish drum bodhrán . In addition, the two are gifted singers and entertainers who have toured internationally since 1986 with more than 3000 concerts and have been at Tollwood on a regular basis since 1997. Folk and acoustic music at the highest level!

Matching Ties Andechser Zelt Tollwood Konzert Veranstaltung

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