Main Street People feat. Carolin Roth & Ecco DiLorenzo Acoustic Soul

06.07.2022 | 17:30 hrs.
Free admission


Main Street People feat. Carolin Roth & Ecco DiLorenzo

Blues, acoustic soul, jazz and Latin grooves are played by the quartet of the group “Main Street People”. Besides their own tracks, their repertoire includes songs by Bill Whithers, Robert Flack or Amy Winehouse. The percussionists Wolfgang Peyerl on cajon and Tom Hauser on double bass are complemented by Carolin Roth and Ecco DiLorenzo – the lead singers of “Innersoul”, an 11-piece live soul band that has been successful for over 20 years. The voice of Ecco “DiLorenzo” Meineke is also known from the movie “Der Schuh des Manitu”, in which he sang all the male parts. The band “Main Street People” brings together talented musicians who do not lack stage experience and know how to put their audience in a good mood.


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