
18.08.2021 | 19:30 hrs.
Hacker-Pschorr Brettl
Free admission

Concert at Hacker-Pschorr Brettl


Roland Meyer de Voltaire from Berlin has many talents and is rightly considered a beacon of hope in the German indie rock scene.
As a singer, producer, songwriter and film music composer, he is always on the lookout for personal expression that manages to make complex complexity comprehensible and, above all, empathetic.

First with his band “Voltaire”, and now with his project “Schwarz”, he is pursuing his path as a singer-songwriter, repeatedly collaborating with other artists such as Schiller, Enno Bunger or Megaloh.
He is also involved in cinematic works such as “Tom Meets Zizou” and “Trainer!”. He wrote the title song “Shine” for the documentary “Being Mario Götze”, as well as the title song “Get up” for the series “Inside Borussia Dortmund”.

In each of his compositions, he searches for his own sound language and in the process constantly expands his musical space of experience and movement.
If you want to know more about Schwarz, the Netflix documentary series “Like a Stranger” about his life has been available since 2020.


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