Philip Bradatsch & Band

11.07.2021 | 19:00 hrs.
Hacker-Pschorr Brettl
Free admission

Concert at Hacker-Pschorr Brettl

Philip Bradatsch & Band

Philip Bradatsch is probably the most monstrous thing the German indie scene has produced in recent years. One with attitude, one who takes a stand. He doesn’t care about current listening habits or playlists, but he doesn’t want to serve them. Instead, he presents them with cryptic, Dylanesque set pieces, creates a maelstrom of images, spaces and voices. And sometimes he unabashedly crosses the comfort line. Then he throws them out, the reprehensible feelings that are so true that no one wants to admit them. He is not even afraid of arrogance, and certainly not of the German language, as he now impressively demonstrates for the first time on his new album “Jesus von Haidhausen”


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Philip Bradatsch & Band

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