
06.08.2021 | 19:00 hrs.
Hacker-Pschorr Brettl
Free admission

Concert at Hacker-Pschorr Brettl


The Oimara is here! Bavaria’s most casual music cabaret artist comes down directly from the mountain pasture at Tegernsee, where he grew up, and with his quirky charm he blows the audience’s minds with such a bird-wild improv show that not a dry eye is left between the Tegernsee valley and Hamburg harbour.

A mountain man like Oimara doesn’t care about conventions and genres, and on the mountain pasture you always have to be able to do everything anyway. That’s why he mixes it up: relaxed guitar sounds in the style of John Mayer meet almost Valentinesque wordplay and a mischievousness that makes you think of a youthful and extremely cool version of Fredl Fesl. Of course, the whole thing is multilingual in Bavarian and High German and with a voice that has an extra portion of


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