
08.08.2021 | 19:30 hrs.
Hacker-Pschorr Brettl
Free admission

Concert at Hacker-Pschorr Brettl


In her music, the singer MOLA draws the unadorned antithesis to a rosy world. It is a musical and lyrical counter-design: anti-pop instead of bubble-pop.

Her EP “Psycho Girl” is about love and understanding one’s own weaknesses as strengths. The EP is a stock-taking since its predecessor “Blaue Brille”, on which MOLA wanted to draw a line under break-up pain, self-loathing and drunken disorientation at dawn. In comparison, “Psycho Girl” is the musical morning after. Sure, you’ve got a heavy hangover but there’s someone at home who’s been waiting for you and is there for you now, even though you were bickering thickly yesterday. In addition to this palpable emotional stability, a musical self-confidence is also noticeable.

The reason for this is the foundation that MOLA has been able to build on together with producer Markus Sebastian Harbauer since the first EP, thus equipping the new release with songs that David Guetta fans would call “bulky” and cool people would call “awesome”. With this work, MOLA shows herself and her fans what she is capable of musically.


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Mola Konzert Hacker Pschorr Brettl Tollwood Festival Muenchen

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