Gudrun Mittermeier

16.07.2021 | 19:00 hrs.
Hacker-Pschorr Brettl
Free admission

Concert at Hacker-Pschorr Brettl

Gudrun Mittermeier

Her song “Fade Away” is the title track of the film “Goethe! She has already recorded three albums between 2003 and 2010 as “Somersault” and two under her civil name. The last album “Seeheim” was released in 2020.
Once “Somersault”, today Bayern Pop. For three albums, Gudrun Mittermeier released English-language pop hits under the name Somersault. Even though their ethereal melancholy and sensitive poetry found high approval, the Munich-born singer decided to go new ways. In 2016, Mittermeier finally released her first German-language album “Mitternach”, on which she sings Bavarian in her native dialect. Audiences love her for her authenticity, which the artist achieves by resorting to her mother tongue.
In her songs, too, Gudrun Mittermeier touches people with intimate lyrics and personal experiences and often returns to where she came from – “hoam” to Bavaria, where the origins lie.


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Gudrun Mittermeier

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