Äff-tam-tam Musikanten

05.07.2021 | 19:00 hrs.
Hacker-Pschorr Brettl
Free admission

Concert at Hacker-Pschorr Brettl

Äff-tam-tam Musikanten

The “Äff-tam-tam – Musikanten” are: Armin Weinfurter (1st violin), Andreas Peschl (2nd violin), Alexander Lochstampfer (trumpet), Johannes Lorenz (trombone), Andreas Weiß (accordion), Roland Pongratz (harp) and Thomas Hille (double bass). They have been making music together since summer 2008.

At their unamplified performances, they perform groovy polkas, delicate country dances, intricate zwiefache or other specialities of the folk music tradition of their homeland, the Bavarian-Bohemian border mountains, the Alpine region or elsewhere.


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Äff-tam-tam Musikanten

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