Anna Lemann & Band

09.07.2019 | 22:00 hrs.
Andechser Lounge
Free admission


Anna Lemann & Band

Jazz full of life

Anna Leman’s new programme enchants and seduces into a world full of emotion and sensuality. Full of desire and passion, joy but also sadness. Famous classics by Astor Piazzolla, Tom Waits or Elvis Presley mix of course with Anna Leman’s own compositions and make the program very exciting, colorful and musically highly interesting.

A gentle touch, spherical – a clear, powerful sound – and down to earth!!!


Anna Lemann + Band Tollwood Andechser Lounge Sommerfestival 2019

More events on 09.07.2019

Brazil Nights

2.7., 9.7., 16.7.2019 | 19 hrs. | Half Moon Bar | Free entrance

Tommy Klemt Solo

09.07.2019 | 17:30 hrs. | Andechser Zelt | Free admission

Beth Hart & Kenny Wayne Sheperd

Beth Hart & Kenny Wayne Shepherd

09.07.2019 | 19:00 hrs. | Musik-Arena

Upcycling Kinder Veranstaltung Tollwood Sommer 2019


Mon, Tue, Wed, Fri, Sat | Kinderzelt | Free entrance