Ammer Brass Company

03.12.2017 | 15:30 hrs.
Free admission


Ammer Brass Company

The band members themselves cover almost the same period of time as the music styles they perform. From the music teacher student to the active music teacher to their retired colleague, all age groups are represented and carry their ideas, preferences and perceptions on stage. Presumably, this mixture is the success factor of the Ammer Brass Company.


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More events on 03.12.2017

The Sweet Simones

03.12.2017 | 19:00 hrs. | Hexenkessel | Free admission

VR Playground

Thrill Laboratory

30/11 - 3/12/2017, 6/12 - 10/12 | Performance Stage | Free entrance

Cirque Éloize “iD”

23.11. - 22.12.2017 | Grand Chapiteau

Fascination Fire Show

24+25+29/11, 3-5/12, 10-12/12, 15-17/12, 20-22/12 | Festival entrance | Free entrance