König und König

11.12.2016 | 14:00 hrs.
Free admission


Compagnie nik “König und König”

Derzeit tobt ja durch die Feuilletons der Republik die Diskussion, wie politisch Theater sein darf, soll, muss. Die compagnie nik aus München redet nicht, sondern macht einfach. Und zwar politisches Theater für Kinder und dies so, dass es Spaß macht im Parkett. Wenn es also in dem Stück “König und König” darum geht, dass ein Prinz partout nicht heiraten will und auch unter den zahllosen Schönen, die um ihn werben, nicht eine dabei ist, die ihm gefällt, bis ein Nachbarprinz seine Schwester vorbeibringt und plötzlich eine ganz neue Konstellation entsteht, wenn also so etwas auf der Bühne passiert, wird’s spannend. Wie auch immer es ausgeht, die jungen Zuschauer erfahren spielerisch den Umgang mit Problemen des Alltags. Und sind begeistert!

Unsere Empfehlungen für Ihren Tollwood-Besuch:

So2019 Tollwood Impression Marrakesch Zelt

Market of Ideas

Organic Food and Fair Trade

Tief-im-Wald-Bar & Café

Live-Music in a unique atmosphere


Die Verführung zum Umsteigen


Häufig gestellte Fragen

The tent is accessible.

For the theatre tent only a limited number of wheelchair spaces are approved, therefore, we asked you to buy wheelchair tickets (valid for wheelchair user and a carer). We ask wheelchair users to buy their ticket via the Tollwood-Tickethotline (089-38 38 50 0 / Mon – Thu von 9:00 – 17:00 hrs, Fri 9:00 – 15:00 hrs).

There are specially reserved spaces for wheelchair users at the theatre tent.

For your safety and the safety of others, it is obligatory to use the predetermined spaces for wheelchairs, as i.e. escape routes have to be kept clear. Moreover, the view from these spaces is according to the needs of wheelchair users.

If you cannot find the wheelchair spaces, please talk to our staff at the tent who is glad to show you to your seat.

There is no toilette inside the tent. The closest toilette facility is located approx. 100 m from the Weltsalon, between Weltsalon and “FoodPlaza”. More information on our site map, available approx. 2 months before the start of the festival. .

The admission to panel discussions, multi-vision-shows, special events and cabaret start 30 minutes before the start of the event. Please check the event calendar for information on specific events.

Events at the Weltsalon are free of charge except the cabaret programme. Latter require the purchase of a ticket. Ticket information here [>>].

Please place a reservation for panel discussions, multi-vision-shows and special events at www.weltsalon.de/reservierung. The tent is closed during the cabaret programme, panel discussions or multi-vision-shows and only accessible for visitors of the event.


During the festival the Weltsalon is open Sun – Wed until 11.30 pm and Thu – Sat until midnight. On 23rd December the tent as well as the rest of the festival closes at 10pm.

Due to a limited number of seats we kindly ask you to place a reseravtion for panel discussions, multi-vision-shows and special events via www.weltsalon.de/reservierung. The reservation is valid up to 10 minutes before the start of the show. Shortly before the start of the show, the left over seats will be given to visitors without a reservation.


The Weltsalon is a venue at Tollwood Winter Festival offering a platform for pressing ecological and social topics. The majority of the events are free of charge. Events such as presentations, panel discussions, concerts, performances, lectures or exhibitions that deal with globalization and justice, war and peace, environmental protection and innovations find a stage here.

You can buy drinks and snacks at the food stall inside the Weltsalon.

Please note that bag checks will be carried out before panel discussions and cabaret shows in the “Weltsalon” for security reasons. To speed up admission, we kindly ask that visitors to these events do not bring large bags or rucksacks.

In general, we recommend that any items that are not strictly necessary are left at home and that only small bags (maximum A4 size) are brought.

More events on 11.12.2016

Old Yellow

Old Yellow

23.11.2016 - 23.12.2016 | Weltsalon | Free admission

Stilt Walkers

24.11.2016 - 23.12.2016 | Festival Ground | Free admission


02.12. - 12.12.2016 | Performancebühne | Free Entrance

Cirque Éloize “Saloon”

23.11. - 22.12.2016 | Hilton Grand Chapiteau