Awards & Honours

Frankfurter Preis | 2008

For the project “Bio für Kinder”

On 28th September 2008, Tollwood and the City of Munich received the Frankfurt Award of the German Community Catering Industry for the cooperative project “Bio für Kinder”.

“The jury acknowledges the great idea for self-help to solve the problem of financial practicability for a healthy catering for day care centres and schools by sponsorship. The early introduction of children to healthy food is the preventive key to their dietary habit and deserves the highest recognition.”, said laudation speaker Gabriele Saremba of the Student Union Germany.

The prize was handed over to Angelika Lintzmeyer, representative of the Department of Environment and Health of the City of Munich and “Biocity München”, and Bianca Schmitz, artistic director of Tollwood.

The Frankfurter Preis is renowned in the catering branch. The award ceremony took place at the International Trade Fair for Hotel, Gastronomy and Catering hogatec.

